A Guide to Zamość

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Historical buildings

Tenement houses

Number of items in the category: 4

  • Armenian houses

    Armenian houses

    Mean rating

    They are the most beautiful and the best-preserved tenement houses of  Zamość townspeople.

  • The Morando House

    The Morando House

    Mean rating

    The house was named after Bernardo Morando, the author of the architectural concept...

  • The St. Kazimierz Tenement House

    The St. Kazimierz Tenement House

    Mean rating

    In the eastern frontage of the Rynek, adjacent to the Grodzka Street, which cuts across...

  • The Link Tenement House

    The Link Tenement House

    Mean rating

    What distinguishes the house from other houses situated along the western frontage of the...