Historical buildings


Number of items in the category: 6

  • Yard #1

    Yard #1

    Mean rating

    Entrances to the yard are situated at 28 Żeromskiego Street, 16 Kolegiacka Street and an...

  • Yard #2

    Yard #2

    Mean rating

    Entrances to the yard are situated in the Wodny Rynek, at 16, 18 and 20 Żeromskiego Street...

  • Yard #3

    Yard #3

    Mean rating

    Two gates, located at 24 and 26 Bazyliańska Street, lead to the yard but it can also be accessed...

  • Yard #4

    Yard #4

    Mean rating

    Entrances to the yard are situated at 16 and 18 Bazyliańska Street and in Ormiańska Street.

  • Yard #6

    Yard #6

    Mean rating

    It is the largest of all Zamość yards. It separated seven tenement houses situated in Grodzka...

  • Yard #5

    Yard #5

    Mean rating

    It is the most colourful yard in the Old Town and the one which is all covered with greenery.